1. Create an Android project, if you don't already have one.
2. Find or Create a new launcher icon for you Android app.
This site has some free Android icons: http://www.iconspedia.com/
Create a new launcher icon with Android Asset Studio.
3. Navigate to the res directory in your project. The folders below should be located in the res folder. If they are not, please create these directories under res.
It is not required to have images for all the densities, only one is enough. The system will scale it up/down when needed. So the best approach is to have images for the highest density supported (xhdpi or xxhdpi). Some people only use xhdpi images in their projects. Try to design your graphics at a very high resolution, such as 300dpi so the image will look good on many resolutions.
4. Copy your new icon to each directory above. The file should be called ic_launcher.png and that
simply replaces the current launcher icon.
5. Compile and run!
Resources:simply replaces the current launcher icon.
5. Compile and run!