Constructs a new SimpleDateFormat using the specified non-localized pattern and the DateFormatSymbols andCalendar for the user's default locale. See "Be wary of the default locale".
Parameters: pattern - the pattern.
1. Declare a SimpleDateFormat variable
try {
mySimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
3. Compile and run!
4. Other symbols you could use for the format are:
Symbol | Meaning | Kind | Example |
D | day in year | (Number) | 189 |
E | day of week | (Text) | E /EE /EEE :Tue, EEEE :Tuesday, EEEEE :T |
F | day of week in month | (Number) | 2 (2nd Wed in July) |
G | era designator | (Text) | AD |
H | hour in day (0-23) | (Number) | 0 |
K | hour in am/pm (0-11) | (Number) | 0 |
L | stand-alone month | (Text) | L :1 LL :01 LLL :Jan LLLL :January LLLLL :J |
M | month in year | (Text) | M :1 MM :01 MMM :Jan MMMM :January MMMMM :J |
S | fractional seconds | (Number) | 978 |
W | week in month | (Number) | 2 |
Z | time zone (RFC 822) | (Time Zone) | Z /ZZ /ZZZ :-0800 ZZZZ :GMT-08:00 ZZZZZ :-08:00 |
a | am/pm marker | (Text) | PM |
c | stand-alone day of week | (Text) | c /cc /ccc :Tue, cccc :Tuesday, ccccc :T |
d | day in month | (Number) | 10 |
h | hour in am/pm (1-12) | (Number) | 12 |
k | hour in day (1-24) | (Number) | 24 |
m | minute in hour | (Number) | 30 |
s | second in minute | (Number) | 55 |
w | week in year | (Number) | 27 |
y | year | (Number) | yy :10 y /yyy /yyyy :2010 |
z | time zone | (Time Zone) | z /zz /zzz :PST zzzz :Pacific Standard Time |
' | escape for text | (Delimiter) | 'Date=' :Date= |
'' | single quote | (Literal) | 'o''clock' :o'clock |