Deprecated: Make a Scrolling Marquee, using singleLine, in a TextView

Deprecated: How to Make a Scrolling Marquee using singleLine in a TextView

Deprecated because android:singleLine is deprecated. Use, scrollHorizontally instead to make a scrolling marquee.

android:ellipsize was added in API Level 1

1. Create an Android project, if you don't already have one.

2. Add a TextView.

3. Limit the number of lines of a TextView using android:singleLine 

4. In the main.xml file, add the below line

       android:text="This is a really, really, really long line of text so you can see it scroll.This is a really, really, really long line of text so you can see it scroll."
      android:ellipsize = "marquee"

5. If no other widgets are on the screen, this TextView will have focus by default, and will scroll automatically. However, if there are more widgets on the screen, when another widget gets focus, the scrolling will stop on the TextView because it 
has lost focus. To keep the focus on the TextView there are four options:

         a. add  android:state_selected - Set Focus to a TextView, using state_selected, in XML
         c. add setSelected(true) - Set Focus to a TextView, using Java

6. Compile and run!

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