Deprecated: Specify numeric input method in an EditText

Deprecated: How to Specify Numeric Input Method in an EditText

Deprecated in API Level 3, added in API Level 1
Use inputType instead.

(In a TextView, this the text will highlight while you are touching(press and hold) the TextView.

1. Create an Android project, if you don't already have one.

2. Add a TextView in the main.xml file.

3. In the main.xml file, add the code below.

numeric = "integer"
This will bring up the number keypad for input entry. Nothing other than number entry is allowed.
Instead use,  android:inputType = "number" 

numeric = "signed"
This will bring up the number keypad for input entry. Nothing other than number entry is allowed. (A $ sign was now allowed because it was not on the keypad.)
Instead use, android:inputType = "numberSigned"

numeric = "decimal"
This will bring up the number keypad for input entry. A number or a decimal is allowed.
Instead use, android:inputType = "numberDecimal"

android:numeric = "integer"

4. Compile and run!

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