android:layout_width - Set the Width of the TextView, in XML

How to Set the width of the TextView, in XML

android:layout_width was added in API Level 1
Specifies the basic width of the TextView. This is a required attribute for any view inside of a containing layout manager.

1. Add a TextView in your main.xml file.

2. In the main.xml file, edit the code below. Using wrap_content the TextView will be only wide enough to enclose its content (plus padding).

       android:layout_width = "wrap_content"

3. At this point, the code will work. But, to easier see the defines lines of the TextView, let's change the background color of the TextView to Gray. Hex: #808080

4. Compile and run!

5. Changing the android:width to match_parent will extend the width of the TextView to the end of its parent View (minus padding). (API 8 or greater)

6. If using API 7 or less, use fill_parent to yield the same results as match_parent.
This will fill as much horizontal space as it can, up to its parent. It should make the width as wide as it can be within the parent.

           android:layout_width = "fill_parent"

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